Your First Week of Classes At Purdue
Are you prepared for your first week of classes at Purdue? Read below to find out!
1. Preparation
Review Your Schedule
The first day of class can be stressful, especially when navigating an unfamiliar environment. Follow the tips below to have a smooth transition onto campus.
- Find your schedule on Unitime>Personal Schedule or through MyPurdue>Student Schedule>View Registration Information.
Know the locations of your classes:
- Walk out your classes- use a directions app such as Apple or Google Maps to find the locations of your classes.
- Plan out how long it takes to get to each class so that you can set enough time to get ready.
- Save a picture of your schedule to your phone if possible. Between classes, it will be more convenient to have the schedule readily available than to log in through Purdue services to check where you need to go.
Through this, you will familiarize yourself with campus buildings and become prepared for your first day.
Purchase Supplies
If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to purchase supplies for your classes. Keep some things in mind as you shop:
- Check Brightspace to find information on your classes, such as their syllabus and any preliminary work required. On the Brightspace Home page, select the course you want to find more information on and navigate to the Content tab.
- Don’t purchase textbooks until after the first day of class, unless your professor specifically notes otherwise in their syllabus. Textbooks can be expensive, and sometimes a professor will not require their purchase.
- The Purdue Bookstore, Target, and Walmart can be great places to buy notebooks and folders. These locations can be busy with people- but are necessary to visit so you have enough materials for the first day.
Other Ways to be Ready
Familiarize with Purdue Applications
- Some examples of helpful applications are Brightspace, Purdue New Student, and Boilerconnect.
- Find more application information on the Resources Page.
- Charge your devices (phone, laptop, iPad, etc).
- Get plenty of sleep so you can be energized and ready to learn!
- Make sure to set your alarms- the last thing you want is to sleep through your first class at Purdue.
2. Starting Your Classes
Walking to your first class? Keep in mind the useful tips listed below:
- Get to your classes early- in many classes, the seat you choose for the first day of school is the seat you will have for the whole semester. Getting there early will allow you to choose a good seat.
- Make connections- socialize with people around you and form new connections. The person sitting across from you could be a new friend!
- Be active and attentive- build a good relationship with your professor by answering questions and taking notes.
- Review syllabi- know what to expect from the course in the future.
3. Time Management
- Form positive study habits by getting all work done before the due date.
- Sometimes a busy schedule can seem overwhelming. To avoid this, plan out your schedule and assignments on a calendar. This can be a physical calendar or a time management app.
- Time management apps:
- The Pulse app connects to your Brightspace account and displays the due dates of the assignments.
- The Shovel App is a similar tool but allows the user to easily add their own events and assignments.
- You can find these apps and more on the Resources Page. Using a calendar is highly recommended.
- Make sure to spend time outside of the dorm in between classes. Though the comfort of your dorm can seem tempting, exploring the study spaces available at Purdue can prove to be fruitful.